Just a few fundamental concepts of colloid science can be applied to increase the quality of liquid dispersions

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"Excellent! The technical content is superb and the delivery using a mix of video, text and quizzes is fabulous."

- Jim Kennady, Materials Science Lead, GlaxoSmithKline

"The course objectives are clear and well written as is the course material itself. John explains the concepts in a simple and concise way, including the theoretical aspects. Highly recommended!"

- Derek HH. Chan, Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield

"It was John’s scientific breakthroughs on resolving pharmaceutical performance issues with Advair MDI that enabled its approval and launch in 2006. "

- Loy Britto, Global Product Owner and Director, GlaxoSmithKline

"A huge thank you to you for all the wonderful science and original thinking you have brought to product development and manufacturing over the years."

- Jo Craig, Senior Vice President (CMC), KaNDy Therapeutics

"John is one of the most impressive scientists that I have had the pleasure of working with. He has the fortunate combination of being a brilliant scientist while at the same time being practical and applies his training and experience to resolve complex real world pharma problems in a well-thought out, efficient, approach."

- William L. Roberts, Principal Scientist, Vast Therapeutics

"John is an incredibly capable scientist and a terrific person with a trademark honesty, courage, and commitment to sharing his talents with the world."

- Ted Benson, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Corralling Chaos

Your Instructor

John F. Miller, PhD
John F. Miller, PhD

I founded ENLIGHTEN SCIENTIFIC after 24-years in the pharmaceutical industry. I spent most of my time on late phase formulation and device development of metered-dose inhalers (MDIs). This is one of the most — if not the most — complex delivery platforms. In the early 2000s, I led the development and approval of one of the most successful North American MDI products — ADVAIR® HFA Inhalation Aerosol. In the mid-2010s, I transitioned to the manufacturing organization. MDIs require very careful supply change control and it was common for arising issues to be dealt with in a trial-and-error way. In contrast, I used my colloid science expertise to identify and implement much more robust solutions with significantly less resource. The experiences and expertise gained working with MDIs proved valuable for helping resolve issues with other dosage forms. I became a technical expert for many international product development and manufacturing teams.

Prior to starting my career in the pharmaceutical industry, I obtained my PhD in colloid science at the University of Bristol, widely recognized as one of the premier world-class centers of excellence for colloid and interface science. For my research, I invented Phase Analysis Light Scattering (PALS) which is now the de facto method for determining the zeta potential of dilute liquid dispersions. Major manufacturers of PALS instruments include Malvern Panalytical, Brookhaven Instruments, and Wyatt Technologies.